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Making A Discord Bot



While you are hanging out with your friends on Discord, you suddenly find a great bot but some of it's features require a premium subscription and you're broke.

Knowing a little bit of Javascript and Node.js, you decide to dig through the entire Internet to find a good, simple Discord bot template but there are so many choices.

To meet your needs, NamVr's DiscordBot Template is the best solution.

Step by step


Getting things ready

Head to Discord Developer Portal.

Copy application Client ID and store it for later use.

Copy Bot Token and store it for later use.

Open your Discord Client (on web or desktop application) and enable Developer Mode.

Copy your guild/server ID and store it for later use.

Copy your user ID and store it for later use.

Install the template

# Simply clone the template to your favorite directory:
git clone my-bot
cd my-bot
npm install

Config your bot

Now rename the config-example.json file to config.json and Paste all stored contents from Getting things ready to config.json.

  "prefix": "!",
  "token": "your-bot-token",
  "owner": "your-id",
  "client_id": "client-id",
  "test_guild_id": "your-server-id"

Run the bot

npm start

# "Started refreshing application (/) commands."
# "Successfully reloaded application (/) commands."
# "Ready! Logged in as My Bot"

Test the bot in your Discord Server by typing !ping and check if it responds or not. Pong means you are good to go!


Your bot is now ready! Bot commands are stored in the commands folder by category. There are some example commands in commands/misc like ping and help (reload is used to update the latest version of the command source code). Feel free to edit those commands to fit your needs and create more if you want additional functionality!